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thesaurus/cni00044604 Plantin, Christophe

Plantin, Christophe

Record IDcni00044604
Biographical Data1520 - 1589
Last Edit2014-09-24

More Information

Further Biographical Data1520?-1589
Niderlandzki księgarz, drukarz i introligator, pochodzenia francuskiego. Działał w Antwerpii i Lejdzie.

Related Entries

See alsoPlantin, Christophe
parallel personal name record
Plantin, Christofan.
Plantin, Christoffel.
Plantin, Christophle.
Plantin, Krzysztof.
Plantinus, Christophorus.
Plantin, Christophe
Personal name record
Officina Christophori Plantini


HeadingPlantin, Christophe
used in: NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries
Variant NameOfficina Christophori Plantini
Plantin, Christofan
Plantin, Christoffel
Plantin, Christophle
Plantin, Krzysztof
Plantinus, Christophorus


Found inKrzysztof Plantin i Officina Plantiniana / Barbara Górska. - Wrocław, 1989. — BNF-NA (Plantin, Christophe 1520?-1589). — EWoK. - 1971. — LCA online (Plantin, Christophe, ca. 1520-1589). — Wielka encyklopedia PWN. 21. - Warszawa, cop. 2004. — Kp. Emblematvm Clarissimi Viri D. Andreae Alciati Libri II [...]. - Antverpiae, 1566 (Druk). — Qoṣer 'ōṣar lešōn haq-qōdeš Hoc est, Epitome Thesavri Lingvæ Sanctæ, / Avctore Sante Pagnino Lvcensi [...]. - Antverpiæ, 1578 (Druk). — Descrittione / Di M. Lodovico Gvicciardini [...]; Di Tvtti I Paesi Bassi [...]. - In Anversa, 1581 (Druk). — Kp. La Ioevse & magnifique Entrée de Monseigneur Françoys [...]. - A Anvers, 1582 (Druk)

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