CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00043720 Kellam, Lawrence

Kellam, Lawrence

Identifiant de la noticecni00043720
Données biographiques1563 - 1613
Lieu de naissanceYork
Dernière modification2021-01-07

Note générale

Variante(s) de prénom : Laurent ; Laurence. - Imprimeur ; imprimeur de l'université de Douai. - Clerc catholique originaire de York, il a trouvé refuge aux Pays-Bas espagnols où il a appris le métier d'imprimeur (à Louvain à partir de 1594). Veuve attestée dès 1613
Adresse: Rue Saint-Jacques. - Zeitraum: 1603-1613
Laurence Kellam was first mentioned as student at the English College (then at Reims), where he received his first tonsure in March 1584 and left for England in 1587 (Douay College Diaries, 200, 216). In late October 1587 he was fined "for not going to church, chapel or any usual place of Common Prayer", being described as a yeoman (Middlesex Sessions Rolls, 1587). According to a testimony of 1600, Kellam was involved in the reception of priests in England, furnishing "them with money and other needful provisions" (Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquis of Salisbury, X, 203). In October 1595 Kellam received permission to start a printing office in Louvain. It is unkown when or where he was trained as a printer. It was most likely in Leuven that he married Marguerite Lanseart (a native of the Low Countries), as his eldest son Thomas was born there in 1595/6. In 1600 the Kellams moved their business to Valenciennes and subsequently to Douai in 1603, where they were established in the rue Saint-Jacques, "At the sign of the holie Lamb" (French: "A l'enseigne de l'Agneau Pascal"). The last sign of Kellam's activity in Douai is from 21 May 1613, the date of a Quaestio theologica issued with his imprint. From 29 November 1613 the account books of the Officina Plantinina in Antwerp (Museum Plantin Moretus, Arch., 129/82 and 1076/37v-38r) mention the name of his widow Lanseart. So, Lawrence most probably died between late May and late November 1613. His widow managed the printing house (in 1618-19 in collaboration with his eldest son Thomas) and between 1620 and 1661 his son Lawrence (II) took over. Another son, Bernard, was canon in Valenciennes in 1635. Starting from 1603 Kellam produced several editions for the Douai publishers Balthazar Bellère and Pierre Borremans. These bear an ornament with the initials "L. K.".

Plus d'information

Autres données biographiques1563?-1613
1563-1613. Geburtsjahr ca.
Dates d'activité1597-1613
Profession / ActivitéImprimeur-libraire
printer (independent)
printer in Douai (1603 - 1613)
printer in Leuven (1595 - 1600)
printer in Valenciennes (1600 - 1602)
ActivitéDrucker (1597 - 1613)
Type de document concerné: Texte imprimé
Drucker (gnd) (1597 - 1613)
Note géographiqueGroßbritannien
FR (iso3166)
GB (iso3166)
NationalitéUnited Kingdom
Enseigne, Marque, etc.Firmenschild: À l'enseigne de l'Agneau pascal; sub signo agni Paschalis – Indication, Note (1603 - 1613)

Lieu d'activité

Lieu de naissanceYork
Lieu d'activitéLeuven (1597 - 1600)
Douai (1603 - 1613)
Douai; Rue Saint-Jacques (1603 - 1613)
Douai; `A l'enseigne de l'Agneau pascal; sub signo agni Paschalis (1603 - 1613)
Valenciennes 1601-1603?
Louvain (1597 - 1600)
Douai; Rue Saint-Jacques; À l'enseigne de l'Agneau pascal (1603 - 1613)
Valenciennes (1601 - 1603?)
Douai (1603 - 1613)
Löwen (1597 - 1600)

Entrées associées

Epoux / EpouseLanseart, Marguerite
Lien de familleKellam, Simon
Voir aussiKellam, Lawrence
Personal name record
Kellam, Lawrence
Personal name record


RubriqueKellam, Lawrence
utilisé dans: Réseau commun des bibliothèques (GBV), Göttingen (Allemagne)
Kellam, Lawrence
utilisé dans: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Kellam, Lawrence
utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne
Kellam, Laurence, I
utilisé dans: Impressae (ODIS)
VarianteKellamus, Laurentius
Kellam, Lawrence, I
Kellam, Laurence
Kellam, Laurent
Kellam, Laurent, I


Trouvé dansInd.Aurel. Clavis, S. 116. — CERL-Thesaurus cni00007423. — Lijst van drukkers bij de Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht. — Lepreux, Nord. — McKerrow, English books, 1557-1640 : le suppose d'origine allemande. — Rouzet. — Rép. 17 s. — Labarre, Douai. — Soenen. — Pantzer : date de mort 1612 (?)

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