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thesaurus/cni00038878 Palm, Johann Philipp

Palm, Johann Philipp

Record IDcni00038878
Dati biografici1766 - 1806
Luogo di morteBraunau am Inn
Ultima modifica2024-08-21

Nota generale

Dt. Verleger und Buchhändler; wurde in Braunau (Inn) standrechtlich erschossen

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici18.12.1766-26.08.1806
AttivitàPersonen zu Buchwissenschaft, Buchhandel (2.2p) (sswd)
Buchhändler (gnd)
Verleger (gnd)
Nota geograficaDE (iso3166)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di nascitaSchorndorf, Rems-Murr-Kreis
Luogo di attivitàNürnberg
Luogo di morteBraunau am Inn

Accessi collegati

Vedi anchePalm, Johann Philipp
Personal name record
Steinische Buchhandlung (08.1806)
Affiliation. -- Eigentümer


IntestazionePalm, Johann Philipp
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
VariantePalm, Johann Philipp (Buchhändler)
Palm, Johannes Philipp
Palm, Philipp

Fonti esterne

Trovato inLandesbibliographie Baden-Württemberg. — M
depiction of ...
Johann Philipp Palm, deutscher Buchhändler, Freiheitskämpfer gegen Napoleon.
[G. Kühn. / Zeitschrift "Freya", Bd. 05 (1865), S. 140. -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Johann Philipp Palm (Freya 05-1865 S 140).jpg]

Registrazioni bibliografiche

Verbundkatalog Kalliope
Manuscript material


German Biography Portal
Biographic Information

Lo stesso di

Wikidata description set

Mappa (attività)


image of Palm, Johann Philipp
Bildliche Darstellung mit Johann Philipp Palm (1766 - 1806)
[This image from the German Museum of Books and Writing collection "Portraits of printers, editors, book dealers and book binders" is freely available under CC0 1.0]
image of Palm, Johann Philipp
Bildliche Darstellung mit Johann Philipp Palm (1766 - 1806)
[This image from the German Museum of Books and Writing collection "Portraits of printers, editors, book dealers and book binders" is freely available under CC0 1.0]
image of Palm, Johann Philipp
Verlagsanzeige mit bildlicher Darstellung
[This image from the German Museum of Books and Writing collection "Portraits of printers, editors, book dealers and book binders" is freely available under CC0 1.0]

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