Heinrich Eggestein, Straßburg (ca. 1466 - 1483) Affiliation
HeadingEggestein, Heinrich used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameEckstein, Heinrich
Eckstein, Henri
Ecksteyn, Heinrich
Eggesteyn, Heinrich
Heinrich, Eggestein
Heinrich, von Rosheim
Henri, de Rosheim
Found inLThK. — VL(2). — Meyer
Portrait (non réaliste) de Heinrich Eggestein, paru dans Friedrich Roth-Scholtz, Icones bibliopolarum et typographorum de republica litteraria bene meritorum ab incunabulis typographiæ ad nostra usque tempora, [Nuremberg et Altdorf : Héritiers de Johann Daniel Tauber], 1726. [Friedrich Roth-Scholtz (1687-1736) / Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg : Annuaire des Amis du Vieux Strasbourg, n°33, 2008, p. 21 (en ligne sur Numistral) -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Heinrich Eggestein.jpg]
Porträt Heinrich Eggestein [This image from the German Museum of Books and Writing collection "Portraits of printers, editors, book dealers and book binders" is freely available under CC0 1.0]
Porträt Heinrich Eggestein [This image from the German Museum of Books and Writing collection "Portraits of printers, editors, book dealers and book binders" is freely available under CC0 1.0]
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