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thesaurus/cni00036760 Eberdt


Record IDcni00036760
Ultima modifica2009-03-14

Nota generale

Johan Eberdt had left his printing house to the stepson J. Billingsley, whose widow continued it into 1698, when it passed back to the Eberdt side of the family. Michael Laurelius was their foreman, and he bought the printing house in 1700.

Maggiori informazioni

date di attività1698-1700

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàStockholm

Accessi collegati

PredecessoreBillingsley (1695 - 1698)


Usata in: National Library of Sweden
Variantei s. Joh. G. Eberdtz tryckerij, af Mich. Laurelio fact.
i sahl. Joh. Georg Eberdtz tryckerij
i sahl. Johan Georg Eberdtz tryckerij
i sal. Joh. Georg Eberdtz tryckerij
in seel. Joh. Georg Eberdtz Druckerey

Fonti esterne

Trovato inKlemming-Nordin. — SB16

Mappa (attività)

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