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thesaurus/cni00035012 Wankijff


Идентификатор записиcni00035012
Годы жизни1600 - 1689
Последнее изменение2020-05-27


Niclas Wankijff married Georg Hantsch’s widow Maria Matras in 1669, took over the printing house and secured the royal privilege to print the official documents. He also printed the official Swedish newspaper between 1672 and 1687. During the 17th century the privileged printer often printed and sold extra copies or new editions of the official publications for his own profit. No printer did this more systematically than Niclas Wankijff. The editor of the newspaper protested and came to some sort of agreement with Wankijff in the 1670s. The civil servant who handled proofreading of the official documents managed in 1687 to secure the right to publish extra copies for himself, and Wankijf was threatened with a heavy fine if he continued this habit. He continued nevertheless and the fight did not end until his death, which occurred in 1690, after February 13 but before April 13. His widow continued the printing house. [Источники: All printed reference sources give his year of death as 1689, but this is proved wrong by imprints and documents in the National archives of Sweden.]
Imprimeur; imprimeur royal
Autre(s) graphie(s) : Wankif, Nicolaus ; Wankiif, Niclas ; Wankijff. - Imprimeur-libraire ; imprimeur royal
Königliche Buchdruckerei

Прочая информация

Годы деятельности1669-1690
Профессия / род занятийImprimeur-libraire
Drucker (1669 - 1690)
Type de document concerné: Texte imprimé

Место деятельности

Место деятельностиStockholm
Stockholm (1669 - 1689)

Связи с другими объектами

ПредшественникHantsch (1668 - 1669)
Преемник, наследникWankijff (1690 - 1705)
См. такжеWankijf, Nils
Personal name record

Имена / Наименования

Авторитетная формаWankijff
принято в: National Library of Sweden
Wankijf, Nils
принято в: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Вариант имениKongl. tryckeriet
Kungl. tryckeriet (1669 - 1690)
Standard form for the printer who held the privilege to print official documents
Wankif, Nicolaus
Wankiiff, Niclas
Wankijf, Niclas
Wankijff, Nic.
Wankijff, Niclas
Wankijff, Nicol.
Wankijff, Nicolao
Wankivius, Nicol.
Wankivius, Nicolaus
Wankiwius, Nicolaus
Wankjff, Niclas
literis Wankivianis
typis Nicolai Wankif
typis Nicolai Wankivi
typis Nicolai Wankivii
typis Nicolai Wankiwii
typis Nicolao Wankiiff
Wankiff, Nils
Wankijff, Nils
Wankijffwius, Nicolaus


Найдено вKlemming-Nordin. — Schück. — Svenska pressens historia. — SOT. — SB16

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