CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00024216 Des Boys, Guillaume

Des Boys, Guillaume

Record IDcni00024216
Last Edit2006-10-17

More Information

Sign, Mark, Device etc.Device taken over from another printer – Printer's Device [Renouard Device No. 179] Image
Sign, Mark, Device etc.Device taken over from another printer – Printer's Device [Renouard Device No. 181] Image
Sign, Mark, Device etc.Device taken over from another printer – Printer's Device [Renouard Device No. 763] Image
Sign, Mark, Device etc.Device taken over from another printer – Printer's Device [Renouard Device No. 764] Image
Sign, Mark, Device etc.Own device – Printer's Device [Renouard Device No. 232] Image
Online ResourceRenouard
Click here to display a description of the printer's devices from Renouard, p. 66

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityParis (1546 - 1566)


HeadingDes Boys, Guillaume


Found inRenouard

Map (activities)

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