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thesaurus/cni00023501 Goebens, Goossen

Goebens, Goossen

Record IDcni00023501
Ultima modifica2021-04-09

Nota generale

Sedan 1565-1566, Emden 1570-1579
Sedan 1565-1566, Emden 1578-1579

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàEmden (1573 - 1581)
Emden (1570 - 1579)
Sedan (1565 - 1566)


IntestazioneGoebens, Goossen
Usata in: Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)

Fonti esterne

Fonti a stampaGRATVLATIO CONIVGII ILLVSTRIS ET ... / Johannes Belida, 1581
Schriftmetige Gebeden op deerste B... / Jan Fruytiers, 1573
Corte somme der voornaemster gheschiedenissen in V... / Translated from the French by Een liefhebber d..., 1570
Grondelijcke ende warachtige verantwoordinge der o..., 1579
Dialogus, oft Tsamen sprekinghe. Van de prekinghe... / By Polytes Basilius [pseudonym of Urbanus Rheg..., 1538
Verclaringhe des christelycken doopsels.... / By Menno Simons..., 1539

Registrazioni bibliografiche

Lo stesso di

Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Authority record

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