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thesaurus/cni00022560 Young, Robert

Young, Robert

Record IDcni00022560
Ultima modifica2006-07-14

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date di attività1625-1643
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Device of the Brazen Serpent. Passed to Joan Wolfe in 1573. Passed to Henry Bynneman, 1574-75. Probably passed to Henry Denham in 1583, and to Richard Yardley and Peter Short in 1589-90. Passed to Humphrey Lownes in 1604. Passed to Robert Young in partnership with Lownes in 1625-26 and to Young alone in 1629-30. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 119] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Device of a star with Os homini sublime dedit. Probably passed to Richard Yardley and Peter Short in 1589-90, to Humphrey Lownes in 1604, and to Robert Young in 1625-30. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 150] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc."Framed device of woman with book labelled Verbum Dei, and candle. The motto Vincet tandem Veritas. (α) With "Verbum Dei" on the book, as figured. Probably passed to Robert Waldegrave in 1590. (β) The words Verbum Dei removed from the book. Probably passed to Thomas Finlason in 1604. Probably passed to Robert Young, and from him to George Anderson in 1637. Used by A. Anderson in 1670 and by his Heirs and Successors in 1699 (H. G. Aldis)." – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 187] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc."Framed device of woman with book labelled Verbum Dei, and candle. The motto Vincet tandem Veritas. (α) With "Verbum Dei" on the book, as figured. Probably passed to Robert Waldegrave in 1590. (β) The words "Verbum Dei" removed from the book. The bracket below remaining. Probably passed to Thomas Finlason in 1604. Probably passed to Robert Young, and from him to George Anderson in 1637." – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 189] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Compartment with the Royal Arms at top; four biblical scenes at sides, and, half way up, the letters H. D., standing for Henry Denham. Below, the Church (?) as a female figure with a seven-branched candlestick and a book; to left and right the arms of London and of the Stationers' Company. Probably passed in 1589-90 to Richard Yardley and Peter Short and, in 1604, from Short to Humphrey Lownes. Passed to Robert Young in 1625-30. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 231] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Framed device of a fleur-de-lis with In Domino confido. Dotted background. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 266] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Ornament having in the centre a tiger's head, with the motto Auspicante Deo. Probably passed to Humphrey Lownes in 1604. Probably passed to Robert Young in 1630. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 296] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Ornament with mark of Thomas Finlason, printer in Edinburgh, 1602-28. Passed to Robert Young c. 1632. Probably passed later to George Anderson and Robert Bryson. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 363] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Device of a shield bearing two keys, with crest of a wyvern's head. Probably used by Humphrey Lownes and Robert Young in partnership c. 1625-30. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 373] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Crowned falcon with sceptre. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 401] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Device of an altar with Deus Providebit, Fide Justus Vivet, and R. Y. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 404] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Device of an altar with Deus Providebit, Fide Justus Vivet, and R. Y. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 405] Image; Description
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Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàEdinburgh (1632 - 1638)


IntestazioneYoung, Robert

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Trovato inMcKerrow

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