CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00022557 Yardley, Richard

Yardley, Richard

Record IDcni00022557
Ultima modifica2006-07-14

Maggiori informazioni

date di attività1589-1597
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Device of the Brazen Serpent. Passed to Joan Wolfe in 1573. Passed to Henry Bynneman, 1574-75. Probably passed to Henry Denham in 1583, and to Richard Yardley and Peter Short in 1589-90. Passed to Henry Lownes in 1604. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 118] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Compartment with the Royal Arms at top and the Stationers' below. At the sides, the monogram of William Seres and four boys playing musical instruments. Probably passed to Henry Denham as Seres' assign in 1574. Probably passed to Richard Yardley and Peter Short in 1589-90. Passed to Humphrey Lownes in 1604. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 148] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.Framed device of a star in an oval, with the motto Os homini sublime dedit. Probably passed to Richard Yardley and Peter Short in 1589-90. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 214] Image; Description

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàLondon


IntestazioneYardley, Richard

Fonti esterne

Trovato inMcKerrow

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