Επιγραφή, σήμα κ.λπ."Border-piece (foot) with Henry Pepwell's mark in centre. (α) With mark, as figured. ? Passed to Peter Treveris in 1521. (β) With mark voided and lower part of shield cut away. ? Passed to Nicholas Bourman c. 1539." – Τυπογραφικό σήμα[McKerrow Device No. 48]Image; Description
Επιγραφή, σήμα κ.λπ.Device of a shield bearing the initials P. T., suspended from a tree and supported by a man and woman covered with long hair and bearing bows and arrows. Below is the name "Petrus Treveris" on a scroll. – Τυπογραφικό σήμα[McKerrow Device No. 60]Image; Description
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