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thesaurus/cni00022410 Assigns of More, John

Assigns of More, John

Идентификатор записиcni00022410
Последнее изменение2006-07-14

Прочая информация

Годы деятельности1629-1661
Знак, марка, эмблема и т.п.Compartment with the Royal Arms at top; four biblical scenes at sides, and, half way up, the letters H. D., standing for Henry Denham. Below, the Church (?) as a female figure with a seven-branched candlestick and a book; to left and right the arms of London and of the Stationers' Company. Probably passed in 1589-90 to Richard Yardley and Peter Short and, in 1604, from Short to Humphrey Lownes. Passed to Robert Young in 1625-30. – Типографская/издательская марка [McKerrow Device No. 231] Image; Description
Знак, марка, эмблема и т.п.Device of an altar with Deus Providebit, Fide Justus Vivet, and R. Y. – Типографская/издательская марка [McKerrow Device No. 404] Image; Description
Знак, марка, эмблема и т.п.Device of an altar with Deus Providebit, Fide Justus Vivet, and R. Y. – Типографская/издательская марка [McKerrow Device No. 405] Image; Description

Место деятельности

Место деятельностиLondon

Имена / Наименования

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