CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00022221 Burby, Cuthbert

Burby, Cuthbert

Identifiant de la noticecni00022221
Dernière modification2006-07-14

Plus d'information

Dates d'activité1592-1607
Enseigne, Marque, etc.Device of a phoenix in flames with Semper eadem and the initials C. B. – Marque typographique [McKerrow Device No. 297] Image; Description
Enseigne, Marque, etc."Device of a winged serpent on a rod upheld by two hands emerging from the clouds, with motto, Salus Vitæ. (α) With motto as figured. (β) Without motto." – Marque typographique [McKerrow Device No. 340] Image; Description
Enseigne, Marque, etc.Device of two men, one planting and the other watering, under a sky in which is set the sacred name in Hebrew characters. – Marque typographique [McKerrow Device No. 352] Image; Description

Lieu d'activité

Lieu d'activitéLondon


RubriqueBurby, Cuthbert


Trouvé dansMcKerrow

Carte (activité)

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