CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00022203 Blower, Ralph

Blower, Ralph

Record IDcni00022203
Ultima modifica2006-07-14

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date di attività1595-1613
Segno/marchio/insegna etc.A fleur-de-lis seeding. Perhaps passed to Ralph Blower in 1601. – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 216] Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc."Device of two "sea-goats" or capricorni, supporting a vase with their tails. The motto Sic semper ero. (α) With D. G. F. on the vase. ? Passed to Robert Waldegrave, or to Ralph Blower. (β) Initials D. G. F. voided. Passed to Augustine Mathewes at an unknown date." – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 249] Image; Image; Description
Segno/marchio/insegna etc."A fleur-de-lis with two cherubs. In Domino Confido and I. W. (α) With I. W. The device passed to Ralph Blower between 1599 and 1609. (β) I. W. voided. The device probably passed to William Jones in 1616-17." – Marca tipografica [McKerrow Device No. 298] Image; Description
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Luogo di attivitàLondon


IntestazioneBlower, Ralph
VarianteR. B.

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Trovato inMcKerrow

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