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thesaurus/cni00022192 Beale, John

Beale, John

Идентификатор записиcni00022192
Последнее изменение2006-07-14

Прочая информация

Годы деятельности1612-1641
Знак, марка, эмблема и т.п."Compartment with cherub's head at top; flowers and fruit in the corners; a mermaid representing Bynneman's sign below. (α) With the mermaid, as figured. Probably passed to Henry Denham in 1583. (β) With the mermaid cut away. ? Passed to Charles Yetsweirt, 1594. ? Passed to Jane Yetsweirt in 1595. ? Passed to Thomas Wight or Bonham Norton in 1599. The later history of this compartment is obscure." – Типографская/издательская марка [McKerrow Device No. 168] Image; Description
Знак, марка, эмблема и т.п.Floral border with crowned roses, and below a mark containing the initials R. B. Probably passed to Thomas Haviland and William Hall in 1609, and from them to John Beale c. 1612. – Типографская/издательская марка [McKerrow Device No. 346] Image; Description
Знак, марка, эмблема и т.п.Device with a griffin's head erased in the centre, and the arms of the Stationers' Company and those of John Beale in the upper corners. – Типографская/издательская марка [McKerrow Device No. 374] Image; Description

Место деятельности

Место деятельностиLondon

Имена / Наименования

Авторитетная формаBeale, John


Найдено вMcKerrow


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