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thesaurus/cni00022182 Barker, Christopher

Barker, Christopher

Record IDcni00022182
Voor het laatst bewerkt2006-07-14

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Jaren van werkzaamheid1569-1599
ActiviteitBookseller, Printer
Merk, motto, wapen, etc.Compartment having the Royal Arms at top and the Stationers' below, and the devices or rebuses of six printers at the sides. – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 169] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc.Compartment with the Royal Arms at top, the Stationers' below, and the devices or rebuses of six printers at the sides. – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 171] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc."Ornament or device of a tiger's head, the crest of Sir Francis Walsingham, over a shield bearing the date 1576. (α) With date as figured. (β) With date voided." – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 184] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc."Compartment with the Royal Arms at top, Sir F. Walsingham's crest of a tiger's head to left, and his arms to right. At the lower corners, to left, three tiaras, the arms of the Drapers' Company, with C. B.; to right the arms of the Stationers' Company. (α) With arms in lower corners as figured. (β) With the shields in the lower corners blank. Probably lent to Ralph Newbery in 1581, and remained in his hands." – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 185] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc.A cut of a man barking logs, with motto A Barker If ye will = In name, but not in skill. – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 190] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc.Barker's smaller "tiger's" head and lamb device. – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 191] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc."Ornament of a woman's head between two cornucopias: below it the letters C. B. (α) With C. B. as figured. (β) Without C. B. or the lower tassel. Probably passed to Robert Barker in 1599." – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 193] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc."Framed device of a "tiger's" head with a ducal coronet about his neck, erased out of a mural crown, with a crescent for difference, being the crest of Sir Francis Walsingham. Below the tiger's head is a lamb, and on a scroll joining the two the motto: "Tigre: reo. animale del. Adam. vecchio. figliuolo ~ merce. l' euangelio ~ fatto. n'estat. agnolo." (α) With "AGNOLO". (β) With "AGNELLO"." – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 194] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc."Compartment with the Royal Arms at top between Justice and Mercy (?). A lion and a dragon at foot, and C. B., the initials of Christopher Barker. (α) With arms of Elizabeth at top, etc., as figured. Passed to Robert Barker in 1599. (β) With arms of James I replacing those of Elizabeth at top, and the dragon at foot replaced by a unicorn. The initials C. B. remain. (γ) With a new lower block, having a lion and a unicorn, both facing outwards, instead of the lion and the dragon. No initials." – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 204] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc.Ornament of foliage with, in the centre, Sir Francis Walsingham's crest: out of a mural coronet a tiger's head ducally gorged. – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 212] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc.The arms of Christopher Barker. – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 213] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc.Compartment with Royal Arms at top between Justice and Mercy (?). Lion and dragon in lower corners. At foot the initials C. B., standing for the name of Christopher Barker. Passed to Robert Barker in 1599. – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 220] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc."Compartment with the Queen's arms at top, Fides and Humilitas at sides; the ensigns of the four evangelists at the corners, and a tiger's head, the crest of Sir F. Walsingham, below. (α) With tiger's head as figured. Probably passed to Robert Barker in 1599. (β) With the arms of James I replacing those of Elizabeth at top. The tiger's head voided." – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 221] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc.Ornament of a two-tailed mermaid blowing two horns. A fringe of tassels below. Probably passed to Robert Barker in 1599. – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 248] Image; Description
Merk, motto, wapen, etc.Framed device of an open book with light shining from the clouds. The motto, Dat esse manus, superesse Minerva. Probably passed to Robert Barker in 1599. – Drukkersmerk [McKerrow Device No. 300] Image; Description
Online bronMcKerrow
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Plaats van werkzaamheid

Plaats van werkzaamheidLondon


KopjeBarker, Christopher


Gevonden inMcKerrow


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