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thesaurus/cni00022179 Bankes, Richard

Bankes, Richard

Record IDcni00022179
Last Edit2006-07-14

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Dates of Activity1523-1528, 1539-1545
Sign, Mark, Device etc.Device of the mark of Richard Bankes, printer and bookseller, 1523-45, supported by two animals, of which one is a unicorn; above, St. John with an agnus dei; below, a snail. – Printer's Device [McKerrow Device No. 66] Image; Description
Sign, Mark, Device etc.A compartment of four pieces, the sill having the mark of Richard Grafton. ? Passed in 1553-54 to Richard Tottell, perhaps by way of Robert Caly. Nothing is known of the border between 1554 and 1607. – Printer's Device [McKerrow Device No. 91] Image; Description

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityLondon


HeadingBankes, Richard


Found inMcKerrow

Map (activities)

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