CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00022168 Andrewe, Lawrence

Andrewe, Lawrence

Identifiant de la noticecni00022168
Dernière modification2010-05-04

Note générale

Printer and bookseller in London. His types pased to John Mychell

Plus d'information

Dates d'activité1527-1529
ActivitéPrinter and bookseller (1527 - 1529)
Enseigne, Marque, etc.Compartment with the Royal Arms at foot. The block may have been taken to Antwerp by Peter Kaetz at the same time as No. 57. He is not, however, known to have used it. – Marque typographique [McKerrow Device No. 45] Image; Description
Enseigne, Marque, etc."The mark of Lawrence Andrewe, printer 1527-30, on a shield within a frame. (ɑ) The arms of the mark with plain ends. (β) The ends of the arms pierced and indented." – Marque typographique [McKerrow Device No. 74] Image; Image; Description

Lieu d'activité

Lieu d'activitéLondon; at the Golden Cross in Fleet Street (1527)

Entrées associées

Successeur / SuccesseureMychell, John
later owner of types


RubriqueAndrewe, Lawrence


Trouvé dansMcKerrow. — STC

Carte (activité)

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