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thesaurus/cni00020876 ¬nel¬ Garbo

¬nel¬ Garbo

Record IDcni00020876
Last Edit2011-05-25

General Note

Nel XVI secolo esisteva a Firenze una via del Garbo; vi furono domiciliati, fra gli altri, Lorenzo Torrentino (dietro la chiesa di San Romolo) e Francesco Tosi.
Nationality: Italian

More Information

Dates of Activity1569-1573
Online ResourceICCU
Display the original Edit16 printer's record

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityFirenze (1569 - 1573)


Heading¬nel¬ Garbo
used in: Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information, Rome (Italy)
Variant NameGarbo, nel [Sources: BORSA]
Nel Garbo


Found inBORSA

Map (activities)

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