CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00019790 Birckmann, Arnold d.Ä. (Erben)

Birckmann, Arnold d.Ä. (Erben)

Record IDcni00019790
Last Edit2006-07-17

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityBasel (1562)
Düsseldorf (1568 - 1556)
Köln (1541 - 1584)
Köln (1552 - 1584)
Löwen (1565)
Mainz (1559)
Straßburg (1552)


HeadingBirckmann, Arnold d.Ä. (Erben)
used in: Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany)
Variant NameBirckmannica officina 1582-1584


Imprint SourcesM. VALERII MARTIALIS EPIGRAMMATVM... / Marcus Valerius Martialis, 1584
PROGYMNASMATA FORI, SEV DE IIS QVI ... / Friedrich Schenck von Tautenburg, 1552

Map (activities)

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