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thesaurus/cni00019666 Gaubisch, Urban

Gaubisch, Urban

Record IDcni00019666
Last Edit2006-07-17

More Information

ActivityNjemački tiskar, tiskao u Eislebenu 1554.-1604.

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityEisleben (1554 - 1599)
Eisleben (1554 - 1600)
Halle (1576 - 1579)
Mansfeld (1600)


HeadingGaubisch, Urban
used in: Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany); National and University Library, Zagreb (Croatia)
Variant NameGaubisius, Urban
Gubisius, Urban
Gubisius, Urbanus
Kaubisch, Urban
Kaubisius, Urban


Found inBenzing. Die Buchdrucker des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, str. 100
Imprint SourcesEiner Christlichen Ordination, for... / Erasmus Sarcerius, 1554
Zwo Christliche Predigten, Deren di... / Michael Celius, 1600

Map (activities)

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