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thesaurus/cni00019522 Cock, Symon

Cock, Symon

Record IDcni00019522
Ultima modifica2021-04-09

Nota generale

Antwerpen 1527-1562

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàAntwerpen (1527 - 1536)
Antwerpen (1527 - 1555)

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headingCock, Symon
headingUsedBy: Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Cocus, Symon


imprintSourceElementa grammatices...., 1527
Dat gheheel nieuwe Testamēt ons Heeren Ihesu Chr..., 1558

Registrazioni bibliografiche

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Koninklijke Bibliotheek
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