CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00012737 Galama, Hero

Galama, Hero

Record IDcni00012737
Last Edit2021-01-28

General Note

Harlingen 1660-1678

More Information

Activitybookseller (1663 - 1677)
printer (1660 - 1672)
printer to the Admiralty (1675 - 1678)
town printer (1675 - 1678)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityHarlingen; Voorstraat (de) = Voorstraat, by de Vismarkt (1660 - 1668)
Harlingen (1660 - 1678)


HeadingGalama, Hero
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Variant NameGalama, Heere


Imprint SourcesPuick van lelyen en rosen.... / By J. de la Montagne et al..., 1661
Articulen en ordonnantien op't stuck van de wacht..., 1678

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