CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cni00012469 Tournay, Jasper

Tournay, Jasper

Record IDcni00012469
Last Edit2021-04-09

General Note

Cf Gasper Tenvoy, PPN 120422239
Delft 1583-1584, Gouda 1585-1591, 1608-1634, Leiden 1602, Enkhuizen 1603-1607. Var.: Casparus Tournaeus, Gaspar Tournay, J. Tornaey

More Information

Activityprinter (1585 - 1618)
Sign, Mark, Device etc.Druckerye (inde) – Sign (1612 - 1623)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityGouda; Cralenbrugghe (aen de); Druckerye (inde) (1612)
Gouda; Cralenbrugghe (aen de) (by de) (1612 - 1623)
Gouda (1585 - 1634)


HeadingTournay, Jasper
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Variant NameTornaey, Jaspar
Tournay, Caspar
Tournay, Gaspar


Imprint SourcesOf tgheloove salich maeckt sonder wercken. Bedenck... / By D.V. Coornhert..., 1584
Hypotyposis 27. concionum: ofte, Een exemplaer van... / By Abrahamus Hertoghius..., 1634

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