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thesaurus/cni00010101 Momma


Идентификатор записиcni00010101
Годы жизни1711 - 1772
Последнее изменение2020-05-27


Catharina Stjerncrona, the widow of Johan Henrich Werner, sold Werner’s printing-house to Peter Momma in March 1738. Momma also acquired the privilege to print all official publications, which had belonged to the Werner printing- house, at about the same time. Momma started a type-foundry in Stockholm and a paper mill in Harg outside Nyköping, he also developed the paper mill of the Bank of Sweden in Tumba, outside Stockholm. He started a printing-house in Nyköping, managed at least during the last years by the foreman J.B. Blume. He bought the Gymnasium printing-house in Västerås in 1740 but never managed that himself and sold it to the foreman Peter Devall, probably some time in 1741 (Klemming-Nordin says 1742 but evidence of imprints speaks for 1741). In 1746 he bought Carl Johansson Röpkes printing- house in Stockholm. He did not use his name in the Stockholm imprints after 1758. Momma printed the Swedish bank-notes for the Bank of Sweden, first in his own printing-house, later in the printing-house of the bank from 1737 until 1772. Momma was also an active publisher. He transferred his own printing-house to his son Wilhelm as of 1769. The same year he inherited L.L. Grefing’s printing-house, which he managed until some time in 1771.
Succède par rachat à l'imprimerie de la veuve de Johan Henrik Werner en mars 1738. Publie aussi sous la raison: "Kungliga tryckeriet". Monte à partir de 1742 une papeterie à Nyköping. Responsable de la fabrication du papier- monnaie en tant que commissaire de la banque de Suède.
Imprimeur-libraire ; imprimeur royal ; fondeur de caractères et papetier. - Succède par rachat à l'imprimerie de la veuve de Johan Henrik Werner en mars 1738. Publie aussi sous la raison : "Kungliga tryckeriet". Monte à partir de 1742 une papeterie à Nyköping. Responsable de la fabrication du papier-monnaie en tant que commissaire de la banque de Suède. Semble avoir tenu aussi des filiales à Västerås et à Nyköping. En 1769 succède par rachat à l'imprimerie Grefing

Прочая информация

Годы деятельности1738-1768
Профессия / род занятийImprimeur-libraire
Деятельностьpaper maker (1744 - 1772)
type founder (1738 - 1739)
type founder (1750 - 1764)
fondeur de caractères
Type de document concerné: Texte imprimé

Место деятельности

Место деятельностиStockholm (1738 - 1772)
Nyköping (1757 - 1765)
Västerås (1740 - 1741)
Stockholm (1738 - 1772)

Связи с другими объектами

ПредшественникWerner (1735 - 1738)
Преемник, наследникDevall
Foreman and successor in Västerås
Kungl. tryckeriet (1769 - 1771)
Managed by Momma's son, Wilhelm Momma during this period
См. такжеMomma, Peter
Personal name record
Grefing (1769 - 1771)
Blume, Johan Benjamin
Momma's foreman in Nyköping.

Имена / Наименования

Авторитетная формаMomma
принято в: National Library of Sweden
Momma, Peter
принято в: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Вариант имениKungl. tryckeriet (1738 - 1768)
Standard form for a printer who held a privilege to print official documents
Kongl. cons. och gymn. tryckeriet af factoren Pet. Devall
Imprint used in the Västerås printing house
Kongl. tryckeriet hos directeuren P. Momma (1738 - 1758)
Kongl. tryckeriet hos directeuren Pet. Momma (1738 - 1758)
Kongl. tryckeriet hos directeuren Peter Momma (1752)
genom Kongl. tryckeriet (1759 - 1768)
Imprint used in the Nyköping printing house
l'imprimerie royal, chez le directeur Pierre Momma


Найдено вKlemming-Nordin. — SB17. — SOT. — SBL. — Wollin. — Svensk Uppslagsbok. — Swim

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