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thesaurus/cni00006605 Mandelc, Ivan

Mandelc, Ivan

Record IDcni00006605
Last Edit2007-04-02

General Note

Godine 1586. i 1587. Mandelc je u Varaždinu tiskao Vramčeva, Pergošićeva i Škrinjarićeva djela, a od 1587. do 1605. djeluje u raznim gradovima Gradišća

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Place of Activity

Place of ActivityLjubljana (1578)
Varažin (1586 - 1587)
Varažin (1587)


HeadingMandelc, Ivan
used in: National and University Library, Zagreb (Croatia)
Variant NameManlin, Iuan
Manlius, Johannes
Mannel, Johannes


Found inKlaić. Knjižarstvo, str. 12. — Benzing. Die Buchdrucker des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, str. 82, 96, 169

Map (activities)

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