thesaurus/cnc00026165 Bibliothek Alexander Fürst Dietrichstein, Mikulov
Bibliothek Alexander Fürst Dietrichstein, Mikulov
Record IDcnc00026165
Tipologia di accesso (intestazione)nome fittizio
Dati biografici1679 - 1933
Ultima modifica2015-07-05
Nota generale
On the history of the library see the monographic number of "Acta Musei nationalis Pragae", XXXIX-XL/1-4 (1994- 1995); See also Index Possessorum Incunabulorum, nr. 00012754: Ferdinand Joseph von, 1636-1698, nucleus = lib. given him 1679 by Freiherr Hofmann von Grünbüchel; Alexander, Fürst von (1813-1871) [= 2nd Nikolsburg library, after first taken to Sweden 1645] (aucts. Lucerne & Vienna, Gilhofer & R., 1933–34.