CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnc00019479 Abtei Obermarchtal

Abtei Obermarchtal

Record IDcnc00019479
Biographical Data1171 -
Last Edit2020-05-27

General Note

Abbey founded in 1170 by Premonstratensian; in 1500 it was declared Imperial abbey. After 1802/1803 it was Thurn e Taxis castle.
Abbazia fondata nel 1171 dai premonstratensi; dichiarata abbazia imperiale nel 1500, fu secolarizzata nel 1802- 1803 e divenne poi il castello dei principi di Thurn e Taxis.
Abbaye de prémontrés fondée en 1171, impériale en 1500, sécularisée en 1802/1803, puis château des princes deThurn et Taxis
Matière nom commun associée: Abbayes -- Allemagne -- Bade-Wurtemberg (Allemagne)
Note de regroupement par domaine: Architecture (720)
Note de regroupement par domaine: Religion (200)

More Information

Further Biographical Data1171-
Primary Language(s)German
Based inGermany

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityMarchtal, Allemagne

Related Entries


HeadingAbtei Obermarchtal
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Kloster Marchtal
used in: National Central Library of Rome
Variant NamePrämonstratenser, Obermarchtal
Marchtal Abbey
Ordre de Prémontré, Obermarchtal
Premonstratensians, Obermarchtal
Premostranensi, Obermarchtal
Abbazia di Marchtal
Abtei Marchtal
Kloster Obermarchtal
Marchtal (Allemagne), Abtei
Obermarchtal (Allemagne), Abtei
Prämonstratenserabtei, Marchtal, Allemagne
Reichsabtei Obermarchtal
Reichsstift Marchtal


Found inBrockhaus, 19. Aufl. (article Obermarchtal). — LC Authorities (en ligne, 2010-12-28) : Abtei Obermarchtal


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