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thesaurus/cnc00015819 Carthusians of Perth

Carthusians of Perth

Record IDcnc00015819
Biographical Data1430 - 1559
Last Edit2020-05-27

General Note

Certosa fondataa Perth da Giacomo I nel 1429-30, possedeva quattro monasteri e due conventi femminili nella diocesi scozzese di St. Andrew.
The "House of the Valley of Virtue", in the great valley of the Tay, in the immediate vicinity of Perth, close to the SW angle of the walls, was founded by James I of Scotland in 1429 for 13 monks and their servants.
Chartreuse écossaise qui possédait quatre monastères et deux couvents de femmes dans le diocèse de Saint Andrew's en Ecosse
Matière nom commun associée: Chartreuses (monastères) -- Grande-Bretagne

More Information

Further Biographical Data1430-1559
Primary Language(s)English
Based inUnited Kingdom

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HeadingCarthusians of Perth
used in: Early Book Owners in Britain
Perth - Carthusian monastery
used in: The University of Aberdeen Library
Perth charterhouse
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Variant NameCartuja de Perth
Certosa di Perth
House of the Valley of Virtue
Karthäus zu Pert
Chartreuse Vallis virtutis, Perth, GB
Chartreuse de Perth
Monastère des chartreux de Perth, Ecosse
Perth (GB), chartreuse
Perthusanum (GB), chartreuse
Val des vertus, Perth, GB
Vallis virtutis charterhouse, Perth, GB


Found inProv. Reg. Notes (Cf. R.S. Fittis, Ecclesiastical annals of Perth, 1885, p216 sqq.). — Répertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés / par Dom L. H. Cottineau,1939


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