CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnc00011175 Franziskanerkloster St. Bernhard, Amberg

Franziskanerkloster St. Bernhard, Amberg

Record IDcnc00011175
Bibliografische gegevens1452 - 1802
Voor het laatst bewerkt2017-04-29

Algemene noot

The Franciscan house of Amberg was founded by St John of Capistrano in 1452; it was dissolved in 1555 during the Reformation. In 1624 the convent was restored by pope Urban VIII at the request of the Emperor. The pope did not return the convent to the Strasbourg Observants but gave it to the recently created Bavarian province of Reformed Franciscans.
Diözese: Regensburg

Meer informatie

Verdere bibliografische gegevens1452-1802
Geografische nootOberpfalz
DE (iso3166)

Plaats van werkzaamheid

Plaats van werkzaamheidAmberg

Verwante objecten


KopjeFranziskanerkloster St. Bernhard, Amberg
gebruikt in: Bavarian State Library, Munich (Germany)
NaamsvariantFrancescani, Convento San Bernardo, Amberg
Franciscains, Saint Bernard, Amberg
Franciscans, St. Bernard Convent, Amberg


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