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thesaurus/cnc00010457 Conventuals


Identifiant de la noticecnc00010457
Données biographiques1446 -
Dernière modification2020-05-27

Note générale

One of three male mendicant Orders of Pontifical Rite, which make up the Franciscan Family today. Pope Leo X in1517 brought together all of the reformed groups under the Rule of the Friars Minor of the Regular Observance; the others being brought together to form the Order of the Friars Minor Conventual, under the guidance of a Minister General. The separation of the two groups was also confirmed by Pope Leo XIII, who in 1897, reorganized the Franciscan Orders into four Orders, each with its own Minister General: the Order of Friars Minor; the Order of Friars Minor Conventual; the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins and the Third Order Regular.
Note de regroupement par domaine: Religion (200)
Una delle famiglie dell'Ordine francescano o minoritico, distintasi nel 1517, con papa Leone X, dai Frati osservanti.

Plus d'information

Autres données biographiques1517-
Responsabilité intellectuelleauthor
Note géographiqueCuria generalizia OFMConv. - Piazza XII Apostoli, 51 -00187 Roma (Italia) +39 06.699571; +39 06.69957321 [fax]
Ressource en ligneOnline Resource
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utilisé dans: Institut central pour le catalogue collectif des bibliothèques italiennes et l'information bibliographique, Rome (Italie)
Ordre des frères mineurs conventuels
utilisé dans: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
VarianteBrothers of the Community
Friars Minor Conventuals [Sources: LOC]
Minoriten-Konventualen [Sources: LOC]
OSFC [Sources: Acolit]
Franciscains conventuels
Frati minori conuentuali
Nome su edizioni
Frati minori conventuali
Frati minori conventuali
Frati minori conventuali
Italian. -- EDIT16-ID:CNCA26310 [Sources: EC]
Fratres minores conventuales
Nome su edizioni
Fratres s. Francisci conventuales
EDIT16-ID:CNCA15502. -- Nome su edizioni
Frères mineurs conventuels
OFM Conv.
Ordine conuentale di s. Francesco
Nome su edizioni
Ordine conventuale
Nome su edizioni
Ordine francescano, frati minori conventuali [Sources: AP; DIP]
Ordine minore conuentuale
Nome su edizioni
Ordo fratrum minorum conventualium
Ordo fratrum minorum conventualium
Latin. -- EDIT16-ID:CNCA15501. -- Nome su edizioni


Trouvé dansEI, s. v. Frati minori. — DIP. — AP. — EC. — DEI. — ACOL2, p. 166. — LOCAF. — www.ofmconv.net

Sources de la notice

Identique à

SUDOC (France)
Authority record

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