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thesaurus/cnc00003806 Museum Bollandianum, Anvers

Museum Bollandianum, Anvers

Ταυτότητα εγγραφήςcnc00003806
Τελευταία επεξεργασία2015-10-24

Γενική σημείωση

The former Museum Bollandianum in Antwerp was dispersed at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, following the suppression of the Society of Jesus and the consequent cessation of the publication of the Acta Sanctorum. However, the majority of their medieval manuscripts were transferred to the Royal Library at Brussels.
Il primo Museo dei Bollandisti ad Anversa andò disperso tra diciottesimo e diciannovesimo secolo, dopo la soppressione della Compagnia di Gesù. Buona parte del materiale e la gran parte dei manoscritti furono trasferiti alla Biblioteca reale del Belgio a Bruxelles.
Quelle: Exlibris

Τόπος δραστηριότητας

Τόπος δραστηριότηταςANvers


ΕπικεφαλίδαMuseum Bollandianum, Anvers
χρησιμοποιείται σε: Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel (Germany)
ΠαραλλαγήMuseum Bollandianum, Antwerpen



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