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thesaurus/cnc00000068 Church of England, Diocese of Salisbury Bishop, 1615-1617, Abbot

Church of England, Diocese of Salisbury Bishop, 1615-1617, Abbot

Identifiant de la noticecnc00000068
Dernière modification2004-11-04

Entrées associées

Voir aussiAbbot, Robert


RubriqueChurch of England, Diocese of Salisbury Bishop, 1615-1617, Abbot
utilisé dans: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue, London (United Kingdom)


Trouvé dansFEA=Robert Abbot, STP Bishop of Salisbury, elected 1615.10.11, confirmed 1615.12.1, d. 1617.3.2
SourcesThe bearer hereof, Christopher Angell, a Greeke borne in Peloponnesus, hauing been persecuted by the Turkes for his religion, 1618 [three testimonials, the first sgd by six officials of the University of Cambridge and dated 10 May, 1610; the second by the Bishop of Salisbury, dated 15 August 1616; the third by sixteen officials of the University of Oxford, dated 20 March 1617]

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