accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Tomori, Pál
[Person] . – 1475 - 1526 . – cnp01956156
Szalkai, László
[Person] . – 1475 - 1526 . – cnp01909594
Tömöri, Pál, Kalocsa, Erzbischof
[Person] . – 1475 - 1526 . – cnp02160891
Jagellon, Louis
[Person] . – 1506 - 1526 . – cnp02344923
Ludwig, II., Ungarn, König
[Person] . – 1506 - 1526 . – cnp01022346
Papánek, Juraj
[Person] . – 1738 - 1802 . – cnp02170263
Szlávi, Kornél
[Person] . – 1879 - 1948 . – cnp02409460
Mohácsi, Eugen
[Person] . – 1886 - 1944 . – cnp02409836
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