--- additional_display_line: 1682-1730 Herzogin child_of: - cnp00399216 external_id: - GND 1028949448 family_of: - cnp00399216 gender: a id: ~ last_changed: 2019-09-26T12:00:00Z name_display_line: 'Bolton, Henrietta Powlett ¬of¬' note: - 'Tochter von James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmourth, und seiner Geliebten Eleonor Needham; um 1697 Heirat mit Charles Powlett, 2nd Duke of Bolton; Enkeltochter von Charles II. von England' - Herzogin - Großbritannien - GB personalName: - 'Bolton, Henrietta Powlett ¬of¬' - 'Crofts, Henrietta' - 'Bolton, Henrietta Paulet ¬of¬' - 'Henrietta, Bolton, Duchess' - 'Paulet, Henrietta' - 'Powlett, Henrietta' related_to: - cnp01361986 - cnp00399216 type: cnp year_end: - 1730 year_start: - 1682 --- additional_display_line: 1676-1730 Abgeordneter child_of: - cnp00561528 - cnp00399216 external_id: - GND 1028946309 family_of: - cnp00561528 - cnp00399216 gender: b id: ~ last_changed: 2019-09-26T12:00:00Z name_display_line: 'Deloraine, Henry Scott ¬of¬' note: - 'Generalmajor; seit 1706 1st Earl of Deloraine; Sohn von James Scott, Duke of Monmouth, und Anne Scott, Duchess of Buccleuch; 1706 gewählter Abgeordneter im letzten schottischen Parlament' - Abgeordneter - Graf - Generalmajor - Großbritannien - GB personalName: - 'Deloraine, Henry Scott ¬of¬' - 'Deloraine, Earl ¬of¬' - 'Scott, Henry' related_to: - cnp00561528 - cnp00399216 - cnp01939844 sign: - Provenienzmerkmal type: cnp year_end: - 1730 year_start: - 1676 --- additional_display_line: 1672-1674 Graf child_of: - cnp00561528 - cnp00399216 external_id: - GND 1028946627 family_of: - cnp00561528 - cnp00399216 gender: b id: ~ last_changed: 2019-09-26T12:00:00Z name_display_line: 'Scott, Charles' note: - 'Sohn von James Scott, Duke of Monmouth, und Anne Scott, Duchess of Buccleuch' - Graf - Großbritannien - GB personalName: - 'Scott, Charles' - 'Doncaster, Charles Scott ¬of¬' related_to: - cnp00561528 - cnp00399216 - cnp01939845 - cnp01939844 type: cnp year_end: - 1674 year_start: - 1672 --- additional_display_line: 1674-1705 Graf child_of: - cnp00561528 - cnp00399216 dedup: cnp duplicate_of: - cnp00040137 - cnp00040138 - cnp00040141 - cnp00040838 - cnp00053709 - cnp00057437 - cnp00891417 external_id: - GND 1028945280 family_of: - cnp00561528 - cnp00399216 feature: - imag gender: b id: ~ last_changed: 2024-02-08T12:00:00Z name_display_line: 'Scott, James' note: - 'Sohn des James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, und dessen Gemahlin Anne Scott, 1st Duchess of Buccleuch; kämpfte 1692 während des Pfälzischen Erbfolgekriegs in Flandern' - Graf - Soldat - Großbritannien - GB personalName: - 'Scott, James' - 'Dalkeith, James Scott ¬of¬' related_to: - cnp00561528 - cnp00399216 - cnp01939845 - cnp01939846 type: cnp year_end: - 1705 year_start: - 1674