accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Aconius, Johannes
[Person] . – 1684 - 1685 . – cnp02270613
Aichinger, Alanus
[Person] . – 1705 - 1780 . – cnp02444140
Baum, Julius
[Person] . – 1870 - . – cnp00656502
Beccerus, Christophorus
[Person] . – 1659 - 1661 . – cnp00476339
Becker, Johann
[Person] . – 1659 - 1664 . – cnp00864551
Berthold, Johann
[Person] . – cnp01279262
Cremer, Catharina
[Person] . – 1596 - . – cnp02103748
Dörfler, Josef
[Person] . – 1883 - . – cnp02166408
Finster, Karl Hermann
[Person] . – 1824 - 1899 . – cnp02365054
Gigas, David
[Person] . – 1666 - 1705 . – cnp01117037
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