accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Acker, Johann Heinrich
[Person] . – 1647 - 1719 . – cnp00626378
Ackermann, Clara
[Person] . – cnp00372568
Agricola, Johann
[Person] . – 1589 - 1643 . – cnp00875767
[Person] . – cnp02278798
Alberti, Johannes
[Person] . – cnp01144549
Alberti, Salomon
[Person] . – 1540 - 1600 . – cnp01302301
Albinus, Johann Georg
[Person] . – 1624 - 1679 . – cnp00374156
[Person] . – 1659 - 1714 . – cnp00933481
Albrecht, Otto
[Person] . – 1855 - 1939 . – cnp02422733
Altenburg, Frieda
[Person] . – 1911 - 1919 . – cnp02427134
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