accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
[Persoon] . – 1802 - 1874 . – cnp02252399
Adam, Auguste Justine Luise
Adam, Eduard Christoph Fürchtegott
[Persoon] . – 1812 - 1895 . – cnp00480630
Adam, Eduard Christoph Fürchtegott
Attrin, Johann Philipp Adam d'
[Persoon] . – 1638 - 1678 . – cnp01292707
Attrin, Johann Philipp Adam ¬d'¬
[Persoon] . – cnp00949883
Autenrieth, Chr. Friedrich
[Persoon] . – 1812 - 1872 . – cnp02295151
Baun, Katharina Rosina
Bierhals, Johann Georg Friedrich
[Persoon] . – 1804 - 1868 . – cnp02346549
Bierhals, Johann Georg Friedrich
[Persoon] . – 1829 - 1882 . – cnp02346643
Bihrer, Ludwig Bernhard
[Persoon] . – 1824 - 1882 . – cnp02194577
Bockshammer, Gustav Adolph
[Persoon] . – 1581 - 1643 . – cnp02351662
Bonacker, Wolfgang
[Persoon] . – 1521 - 1560 . – cnp01173523
Brastberger, Gebhard