accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
[Imprint Name] . – 1662 - 1663 . – cni00080735
Assendorp, Daniel
[Imprint Name] . – 1778 - 1841 . – cni00039592
Baedeker, Gottschalk Dietrich
[Imprint Name] . – - 1775 . – cni00106173
Benthon, Franz Adolph
[Imprint Name] . – - 1775 . – cni00026195
Benthon, Franz Adolph
[Imprint Name] . – cni00101765
Benthon, Franz Adolph, wed.
[Imprint Name] . – 1756 - . – cni00094160
Böttiger, Johann Christoph
[Imprint Name] . – - 1753 . – cni00103600
Böttiger, Johann Georg
[Imprint Name] . – - 1753 . – cni00025087
Böttiger, Johann Georg