accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Ade, Caspar
[Person] . – 1719 - 1722 . – cnp02128441
Albertus, Salisburgensis
[Person] . – 1591 - 1657 . – cnp01036287
Albizzi, Antonio
[Person] . – 1547 - 1626 . – cnp01438044
Apfelfelder, Hans
[Person] . – - 1560 . – cnp02262981
Asper, Andreas
[Person] . – 1635 - 1683 . – cnp02135551
Ast, Michael
[Person] . – 1626 - 1631 . – cnp02113946
Baden-Durlach, Bernhard Gustav von
[Person] . – 1631 - 1677 . – cnp00542559
Baden-Durlach, Bernhard Gustav ¬von¬
Bail, Nicolaus
[Person] . – 1828 - . – cnp02017780
Bebi, Heinrich
[Person] . – 1799 - 1888 . – cnp02167273
Beisch, Daniel
[Person] . – 1650 - 1652 . – cnp02096739
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