accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Stouffius, Gottfried
[Person] . – - 1658 . – cnp02274316
Straelen, Engelbert von
[Person] . – - 1483 . – cnp02273779
Straelen, Engelbert ¬von¬
[Person] . – - 1476 . – cnp02274318
Streithagen, Adam
[Person] . – 1637 - 1681 . – cnp02289926
Subdiakon, Vortlev
[Person] . – - 1476 . – cnp02273816
[Person] . – - 1476 . – cnp02274320
Swelheim, Albert von
[Person] . – - 1561 . – cnp02274321
Swelheim, Albert ¬von¬
Süchteln, Aegidius von
[Person] . – cnp02274319
Süchteln, Aegidius ¬von¬
[Person] . – - 1072 . – cnp02289919
Thaler, Vitus
[Person] . – - 1587 . – cnp02274322
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