accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Sartoris, Hermann, von Idstein
[Person] . – cnp02273220
Sartoris, Martin, von Idstein
[Person] . – cnp02273397
Scharfenstein, Johann von
[Person] . – cnp02273284
Scharfenstein, Johann ¬von¬
Schlosser, Johann, von Idstein
[Person] . – cnp02273399
Schwalbach, Nikolaus von
[Person] . – cnp02273344
Schwalbach, Nikolaus ¬von¬
Schwalbach, Petrus
[Person] . – cnp02273361
Serratoris, Johann, von Idstein
[Person] . – cnp02273407
Siedebeck, Johann, von Idstein
[Person] . – cnp02273409
Slorcker, Heinrich
[Person] . – cnp02273415
Sure, Georg
[Person] . – cnp02273134
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