accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Schedding, Bernhard Heinrich
[Person] . – cnp01464015
Schedding, Gerhard Heinrich
[Person] . – - 1796 . – cnp01464016
Schedelich, Hildegundis
[Person] . – cnp01463357
Schedinch, Johannes
[Person] . – cnp02276368
Scheidemeyer, Agatha
[Person] . – cnp01464019
Scheidemeyer, Barbara
[Person] . – cnp01464020
Scheitweiler, Caspar
[Person] . – 1551 - 1601 . – cnp01464022
Schenckinck, Berta
[Person] . – cnp01462400
Schenckinck, Gertrudis
[Person] . – cnp01463057
Schencking, Christina
[Person] . – cnp01464024
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