accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Bischopinck, Anna
[Person] . – - 1660 . – cnp01462423
Bischopinck, Benedicta
[Person] . – cnp01462352
Bischopinck, Christina
[Person] . – cnp01462622
[Person] . – cnp01462431
Bischopinck, Elisabeth
[Person] . – cnp01462436
Bischopinck, Franciscus
[Person] . – 1644 - 1685 . – cnp01462439
Bischopinck, Gudula
[Person] . – cnp01462443
[Person] . – cnp01462442
Bischopinck, Hildegundis
[Person] . – cnp01462449
Bischopinck, Johann Ignaz
[Person] . – - 1727 . – cnp01462458
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