accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Brilon, Swickbert von
[Person] . – cnp02286355
Brilon, Swickbert ¬von¬
Britannus, Alexander
[Person] . – 1519 - 1589 . – cnp02286257
Brull, Bartholomeus
[Person] . – cnp02286347
Budde, Johannes
[Person] . – cnp02286356
Butterweck, Peter
[Person] . – cnp02286563
Bäcker, Ludwig
[Person] . – cnp02286552
Böschen, Franz
[Person] . – cnp02286558
Büderich, Johannes von
[Person] . – cnp02286357
Büderich, Johannes ¬von¬
Büren, Arnold (von)
[Person] . – cnp02286346
Büren, Arnold ¬(von)¬
Büren, Bruno von
[Person] . – cnp02286561
Büren, Bruno ¬von¬
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