accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Molitor, Philipp
[Person] . – cnp02286407
Montanus, Heinrich
[Person] . – cnp02286408
Montanus, Johannes
[Person] . – cnp02286625
Murrach, Wilhelm
[Person] . – - 1782 . – cnp02286497
Möller, Laurenz
[Person] . – - 1726 . – cnp02286495
Mörchen, Alberich
[Person] . – - 1790 . – cnp02286496
Mörichen, Peter
[Person] . – cnp02286409
Müller, Matthias
[Person] . – cnp02286626
Neheim, Johannes (von)
[Person] . – cnp02286321
Neheim, Johannes ¬(von)¬
Neheim, Johannes von
[Person] . – cnp02286628
Neheim, Johannes ¬von¬
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