accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Fix, Heinrich Anton
[Person] . – cnp01462950
Floer, Gerhard
[Person] . – cnp01465077
Francke, Caspar
[Person] . – cnp01462967
Francke, Johann
[Person] . – cnp01462968
Fransois, Margaretha
[Person] . – - 1495 . – cnp01463671
Frentz, Johanna Magaretha von, genannt Kiff; Klostername Placida
[Person] . – cnp01462979
Frentz, Johanna Magaretha ¬von¬, genannt Kiff; Klostername Placida
Fridthoff, Gerhard
[Person] . – cnp01462981
Frie, Elisabeth
[Person] . – - 1626 . – cnp01462983
Frie, Ermgardis
[Person] . – cnp01462984
Frithoff, Gerhard
[Person] . – - 1652 . – cnp02276088
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