accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Helnerus, Jodokus
[Person] . – cnp01461084
Henken, Lambertus
[Person] . – cnp01461380
[Person] . – cnp01461089
Henricus, dictus Koning
[Person] . – cnp01461094
Herberen, Elisabeth von
[Person] . – cnp01461101
Herberen, Elisabeth ¬von¬
Herbold, Jobster
[Person] . – cnp01461103
Herek, Malkes
[Person] . – cnp01461467
Heringen, Henricus de
[Person] . – cnp01461092
Heringen, Henricus ¬de¬
[Person] . – cnp01461106
[Person] . – cnp01461105
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