accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Schwarzenberg, Heinrich
[Personne] . – cnp02279438
Schwertfeger, Kaspar
[Personne] . – cnp02279016
Schütz, Werner
[Personne] . – cnp02279497
Seber, Paul
[Personne] . – - 1525 . – cnp02279441
Seibet, Johann
[Personne] . – cnp02279442
Seifried, Johann, genannt Schmidt, Fabri, Schmidlein
[Personne] . – - 1551 . – cnp02279444
Semeler von Harthen, Nikolaus
[Personne] . – cnp02279364
Sippel, Johann
[Personne] . – cnp02279298
Snell, Eberhard
[Personne] . – cnp02279454
Sonntag, Johann
[Personne] . – cnp02279299
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