accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Jacobi, Georg Heinrich
[Person] . – 1845 - 1916 . – cnp00429713
Kiessling, Michael Gottlieb
[Person] . – 1713 - . – cnp02134831
Kind, Christoph
[Person] . – 1718 - 1793 . – cnp01221381
Klotz, Ernst
[Person] . – 1799 - 1832 . – cnp02412823
Klotz, Immanuel
[Person] . – 1766 - 1840 . – cnp02178525
Kloz, Benjamin
[Person] . – 1775 - . – cnp02347936
Krantz, Christoph
[Person] . – 1637 - 1699 . – cnp00383201
Kranz, Paul
[Person] . – 1629 - 1695 . – cnp02347960
[Person] . – 1629 - 1695 . – cnp00418337
Kriegelstein, Johann Christoph
[Person] . – 1776 - . – cnp02347964
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